The Valleys Archive visit
As part of the Context 1 Module, focussing around the history and theory within documentary photography in Wales, the students took a trip to Ffotogallery, Cardiff to visit the Valleys Archive.
The seminar was lead by Marc Arkless, who gave students a more in-depth understanding behind each image in the archive, which will support and inform their essay on the impact of the photographs produced and the legacy of the project overall.
Ffotogallery originally established the Valleys Project in 1984, as a unique undertaking to document what has to be one of the most beautiful yet industrialized landscapes of Northern Europe. During the five years of the project to 1990, it has drawn together the work of photographers resident in Wales and from further afield, to create a contemporary visual record and social commentary encompassing a broad geographical spread of the South Wales Valleys.
Featuring photographers work, such as: David Bailey, Mike Berry, John Davies, Peter Fraser, Ron McCormick, Francesca Odell, Paul Reas, Roger Tiley, William Tsui. For more information...