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David Hurn discusses 'Swaps'

This afternoon, a few of us met at the Reardon Smith Lecture Theatre (part of the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff) to join Magnum photographer, David Hurn,

to discuss his exhibition of collected prints.

David Hurn (one of Britain's most influential documentary photographers) talked about how he developed his collection of photographs by swapping them with fellow photographers such as: Sergio Larraín, Don McCullin, Bill Brandt, Eve Arnold, Robert Frank, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Keith Arnett, Sebastião Salgado and many more.

Hurn shared his obsession with collecting, not only photographs but bus tickets and postcards (with cameras on them of course!) and gave wonderful insight into the world of photography in the 60s and 70s, working alongside photographers who are an instrumental part of photographic history.

Hurn talked about how he was invited into Magnum in 1965 and his passion for photography, sharing incredible stories like how Diane Arbus had slept on his floor in London, how he had met Wee Gee on the set of Dr Strangelove, how he bought a Julia Margaret Cameron print for 3 pence and how Joseph Koudelka (close friend of Hurn) gives him a print every Christmas.

This insight into the world of David Hurn completely captivated the audience, inspiring all who attended.

"Life as it unfolds in front of the camera is full of so much complexity, wonder and surprise that I find it unnecessary to create new realities. There is more pleasure, for me, in things as they are." - David Hurn

David Hurn reflects on an early image of himself at the age of 8.

Hurn discussing two prints by Henri Cartier Bresson, part of his Swaps collection.

An interesting story about one of Robert Franks prints being damaged due to a flood in Hurn's house.

Richard getting his book signed by David Hurn taken by April Wright.

David Hurn and John.

Mandatory Staff photograph, Jess and David Hurn taken by Beverly Jones.

A very happy Bev and David Hurn taken by April Wright..

Book signing taken by April Wright..

The wonderful gift of a book from Bev and April, signed by David Hurn. Thank you! Such thoughtful students!

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