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CYC Photography and Music students WIN Gold & Silver awards at Skills Wales Competition 2018

On the 23rd of January, the Photography and Music Technology students and staff ventured to Bangor, North Wales to the Skills Wales Competition 2018, funded by the Welsh Government.

The Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales project delivers and promotes Skills Competitions in Wales on behalf of the Skills Champions Network, a group of training providers from across Wales that are committed to engaging and supporting competitors to achieve and succeed. It was led and administered by Coleg Sir Gar.

This year the Welsh finals for the Media & Creative competitions were hosted by Coleg Menai, and held at the Pontio Arts Centre, Bangor. The Media and Creative category consisted of three separate competitions which took place on the same day.

The three competitions were Music, Digital Video Production and Photography with participating Colleges from all across Wales.

Our five CYC Music students (band name - The Sssnakes!), smashed it with their winning performance of 'Bloody Beatrice' and won the Gold prize for the second year running. See the live performance here...

Johanna Skelding and Simon Virgo (our two CYC Photography students) took Gold and Silver trophies for their incredible landscape images taken across Wales.

For the past couple of years 'Visit Wales' has embarked on themed marketing campaigns which are aimed at encouraging visitors to choose Wales as their holiday destination (2016 was the Year of Adventure and 2017 was the Year of Legends). 2018 has been designated as the Year of the Seas and this formed the basis of the photography brief.

Congratulations to 'The Sssnakes', Johanna Skelding and Simon Virgo for all of your hard work and commitment! All of the Staff at CYC, Chris, Scott J, Scott H, Ian and Jess are proud of your achievements.

Visit the Skills Wales Facebook page for more information on the

Winning Photographs by Johanna Skelding - Gold prize award winner for the Skills Wales Competition 2018...

Winning Photographs by Simon Virgo - Silver prize award winner for the Skills Wales Competition 2018

Pontio Arts Centre, Bangor

Johanna and Simon discussing their final prints before the judging panel

Mounted prints by Johanna

Mounted prints by Simon

Judging panel review and discuss the work of Johanna. Geraint Thomas (Professional Photographer) and Richard Outram (Welsh Landscape Photographer)

Judging panel review and discuss the work of Simon. Geraint Thomas (Professional Photographer) and Richard Outram (Welsh Landscape Photographer)

Discussing composition after the judging panel

Discussing composition after the judging panel

Johanna with her Gold prize award winning photographs

Simon with his Silver prize award winning photographs

Receiving the awards on stage

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